A Legal Precedent
Don’t you love to watch court battles on tv? From the moment the bad guy breaks in to someone’s house until the judge slams his gavel down an hour later and pronounces his sentence, you get to watch and throw in your two-cents worth. You may not know a lot about the law, but it’s kind of fun to become arm-chair forensic scientist/lawyer.
One thing that is always interesting as you watch a show like this is learning what the legal precedents are. The judicial system relies on previous court cases to serve as authoritative rule in making current decisions. If a similar case has been previously decided, legal precedence provides an example or authority for judges faces issues in their courts. Oh, if you only had precedence in dealing with your infertility.
Good news, friend. You do.
Do you realize that Scripture is full of stories of infertility? There is “infertility precedence” all through the Word of God. You can find story after story of how God has worked and moved in the lives of infertile couples throughout history. You can look at Biblical precedence and see what you can expect in your own life.
Let’s examine two instances of infertility we find in Scripture to see what we learn from the precedents they set for us today.
Even though Abraham and Sarah were well past childbearing age, God promised them a biological child.
Then behold, the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “This man will not be your heir; but one who will come forth from your own body, he shall be your heir.” (Genesis 15:4) “Is anything too difficult for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” (Genesis 18:14) Then the LORD took note of Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had promised. So Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him. (Genesis 21:1-2)
Precedent: If God makes a promise, He fulfills His promise, even if circumstances make the fulfillment of His promises seem unlikely.
God made a promise and God came through. At the age of 90 and 100, Sarah and Abraham became biological parents--without any kind of fertility treatments. If God makes a promise to you, He will fulfill it. Period.
Now let’s look at the life of Hannah and see what we can gain from her experience with infertility:
God closed Hannah’s womb, then remembered Hannah at the proper time, granting her a pregnancy and a healthy child.
Hannah had no children (1 Samuel 1:2) When the day came that Elkanah sacrificed, he would give portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and her daughters; but to Hannah he would give a double portion, for he loved Hannah, but the LORD had closed her womb. (1 Samuel 1:4-5) And Elkanah had relations with Hannah his wife, and the LORD remembered her. It came about in due time, after Hannah had conceived, that she gave birth to a son; (1 Samuel 1:19-20)
Precedent: If God closes a womb on purpose, He does it for a purpose, and that experience with infertility is purpose-filled.
Hannah’s infertility was no accident. God closed her womb on purpose. Although she probably could not understand God’s purpose in causing her infertility, Hannah’s struggle and the way she trusted God through it still encourages infertility women thousands of years after her death. What an amazing legacy she left for every woman who has ever felt the sting of baby hunger. What purpose her infertility held. Who knows what purpose your infertility holds?
You have biblical precedents to stand on in regard to your infertility. If God makes a promise to you, He will come through. He will do what He says He will do. He will work mightily through your infertility and has great purposes for your struggles. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever! The same God who worked wonders through the lives of Sarah and Abraham and Hannah and Elkanah is the same God who holds your hand today.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bippity Boppity Boo
Watch that...
Wouldnt you LOVE to have a magic wand??
Boy, I know I would!!!
But wait a min, what would you do with your magic wand?? Would you wish for money, happiness, peace..... or a family?
Would you wish for a child, children...??
Wouldnt it be amazing if, with life, we received a magic wand??
Yes, that would be amazing, but I am not too sure what we will do with ours. *Sigh*
I long for the day that I become a mother, and he becomes a father.
Sure, Id LOVE to get pregnant.. and to experience the morning sickness, to be able to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes, to grow, to expand, to feel kicks and then fianlly to deliver and feel the unconditional love for my baby-our baby. I dont know why... but its different now.
I know now that I may never feel all that.
And Im okay...
I know that God has our baby out there. Our baby may be born now, or maybe in a couple of years. We never know. Our baby WILL be brought to us when HIS time is right. That may be right now, or it might be in a couple of years. We dont know. We pray so hard that God will bless us soon-in His time though-but soon. We know that miracles happen.. and man, if we were to conceive w/ out medical interventions, that'd be a true true miracle!
God is good... so we keep praying...
we pray for our baby, ourselves, our families who long and love our child who is yet to grace us :)
So... i guess if we had a magic wand.... we would just wait.
Just wait and use it when the time is right ;-)
Keep praying!!!
Watch that...
Wouldnt you LOVE to have a magic wand??
Boy, I know I would!!!
But wait a min, what would you do with your magic wand?? Would you wish for money, happiness, peace..... or a family?
Would you wish for a child, children...??
Wouldnt it be amazing if, with life, we received a magic wand??
Yes, that would be amazing, but I am not too sure what we will do with ours. *Sigh*
I long for the day that I become a mother, and he becomes a father.
Sure, Id LOVE to get pregnant.. and to experience the morning sickness, to be able to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes, to grow, to expand, to feel kicks and then fianlly to deliver and feel the unconditional love for my baby-our baby. I dont know why... but its different now.
I know now that I may never feel all that.
And Im okay...
I know that God has our baby out there. Our baby may be born now, or maybe in a couple of years. We never know. Our baby WILL be brought to us when HIS time is right. That may be right now, or it might be in a couple of years. We dont know. We pray so hard that God will bless us soon-in His time though-but soon. We know that miracles happen.. and man, if we were to conceive w/ out medical interventions, that'd be a true true miracle!
God is good... so we keep praying...
we pray for our baby, ourselves, our families who long and love our child who is yet to grace us :)
So... i guess if we had a magic wand.... we would just wait.
Just wait and use it when the time is right ;-)
Keep praying!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
never will I...
this is a repost-but a good one.. so I thought Id share w/ ya'll
Never Will I.....
* Spend hundreds of dollars on ovulation and pregnancy tests
* Go to the dr on day 3 of my period for an internal ultrasound (let me tell you-that's embarassing)
* Spend hundreds of dollars, no-make that thousands, on copays, dr bills,and medication.
* Shoot myself daily with hormone shots...
* Take daily pills to make me a horrible, moody person.
* Take a pill vaginally in order to not have a miscarriage IF I get pregnant that cycle..
* Cry thousands, no-make that BILLIONS- of tears over my biological child that may never be.
* Research thousands of websites so I can learn about PCOS, Endo, IUI, IVF, and last but not least-Adoption
* Die a little inside when I see a bfn on a pregnancy test every month
* Cry when I get my period
* And other months rejoice when I get my period (ironic-huh)
* Have surgery to remove somthing that isnt supposed to be in my body (endo)
* Drive thousands of miles, only for a 5 min apointment
* Have a complete stranger know all about my vagina, cervix, sex life and my cycle days.
* have sex w/ my husband bc I HAVE to, bc its the right time...
* lay in bed-w/ out peeing or talking first-just to take my temp so I can see if I ovulated or not
* take apart a pregnancy test to see if i see the FAINTEST of lines... only to see NOTHING!
* Get soooo excited over a bfp-only to realise its from the hcg shot (after it was a negative for 2 days)
* See the look of fear and sadness on my husband's face, on my face, when we realise that it didnt work that month
* have a child past the age of 30 (I always thought Id have all my children, i wanted 4, before I was 30) I know Im still 4 years away from 30, buts its getting close.
* have ever thought about adoption fundraisers and raising $25k to go to another country and get MY baby
* Feel like a failure.
* Be so open and honest with people
* Be an inspiration to someone else, about infertility
* understand why
* Start a blog (that was somthing I never thought id do)
* have so much faith (my faith in God has gotten so strong over the past 3 years)
* fall more and more in love w/ my husband (going through infertility usually tears people apart, but for us-its seemed to have brought us closer, and im greatful for my Godly husband)
* Feel sooo confused. Infertility has got to be the HARDEST thing that I have ever been through. Sooo many emotions.
* Give up. I wont give up, not until God lays it upon my heart. Sure, we may have to take "breaks" and figure out our next step, but God has a great and mighty plan for us.
Never Will I.....
* Spend hundreds of dollars on ovulation and pregnancy tests
* Go to the dr on day 3 of my period for an internal ultrasound (let me tell you-that's embarassing)
* Spend hundreds of dollars, no-make that thousands, on copays, dr bills,and medication.
* Shoot myself daily with hormone shots...
* Take daily pills to make me a horrible, moody person.
* Take a pill vaginally in order to not have a miscarriage IF I get pregnant that cycle..
* Cry thousands, no-make that BILLIONS- of tears over my biological child that may never be.
* Research thousands of websites so I can learn about PCOS, Endo, IUI, IVF, and last but not least-Adoption
* Die a little inside when I see a bfn on a pregnancy test every month
* Cry when I get my period
* And other months rejoice when I get my period (ironic-huh)
* Have surgery to remove somthing that isnt supposed to be in my body (endo)
* Drive thousands of miles, only for a 5 min apointment
* Have a complete stranger know all about my vagina, cervix, sex life and my cycle days.
* have sex w/ my husband bc I HAVE to, bc its the right time...
* lay in bed-w/ out peeing or talking first-just to take my temp so I can see if I ovulated or not
* take apart a pregnancy test to see if i see the FAINTEST of lines... only to see NOTHING!
* Get soooo excited over a bfp-only to realise its from the hcg shot (after it was a negative for 2 days)
* See the look of fear and sadness on my husband's face, on my face, when we realise that it didnt work that month
* have a child past the age of 30 (I always thought Id have all my children, i wanted 4, before I was 30) I know Im still 4 years away from 30, buts its getting close.
* have ever thought about adoption fundraisers and raising $25k to go to another country and get MY baby
* Feel like a failure.
* Be so open and honest with people
* Be an inspiration to someone else, about infertility
* understand why
* Start a blog (that was somthing I never thought id do)
* have so much faith (my faith in God has gotten so strong over the past 3 years)
* fall more and more in love w/ my husband (going through infertility usually tears people apart, but for us-its seemed to have brought us closer, and im greatful for my Godly husband)
* Feel sooo confused. Infertility has got to be the HARDEST thing that I have ever been through. Sooo many emotions.
* Give up. I wont give up, not until God lays it upon my heart. Sure, we may have to take "breaks" and figure out our next step, but God has a great and mighty plan for us.
New plans... new hope.. new future??
Sooo.....many of you are probably wondering what will happen now.
Well... to answer you:
We dont know.
We are taking a break. We are done. Im done w/ the meds, the drs, the ultrasounds, the bloodwork, the shots, the timed bding, the stress, the worry, the heartache. Im just done w/ it.
Who knows how long this break is going to last, but for now. Im done.
Yes, I will still blog-as things come up. But it might not be so much about ttc.
Yes, we are still going to try-but not try. Make sense? Lol.
We will just pray and pray some more.
We have decided we would like to take the foster care classes in the spring and persue adoption as we save up money (possibly start in the spring/summer) God knows the plans for our lives, so my "plan" might not be His plan. We'll see.
So for now.. yes, im done.
Well... to answer you:
We dont know.
We are taking a break. We are done. Im done w/ the meds, the drs, the ultrasounds, the bloodwork, the shots, the timed bding, the stress, the worry, the heartache. Im just done w/ it.
Who knows how long this break is going to last, but for now. Im done.
Yes, I will still blog-as things come up. But it might not be so much about ttc.
Yes, we are still going to try-but not try. Make sense? Lol.
We will just pray and pray some more.
We have decided we would like to take the foster care classes in the spring and persue adoption as we save up money (possibly start in the spring/summer) God knows the plans for our lives, so my "plan" might not be His plan. We'll see.
So for now.. yes, im done.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Oct 15, 2010
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (Recognized by the US Government as of 2006). I invite all of you to partake in a moment of rememberence at 7:00 p.m. Be it a moment of silence, the lighting of a candle, whatever.
I never thought that Id "celebrate" this day.
I never thought that Id be one of the ones mourning over the loss of a baby.
Yes, some of you still argue and say-an embryo isnt a baby-but yes, that was. that was OUR baby. God made that baby-and God needed that baby in Heaven more than on earth.
I never knew that baby....
that baby was never in my womb...
but still.... we loved that baby. That was our baby-our little Embie.
Its hard, very hard.
sure.. I didnt suffer the physical stuff of a pregnancy loss, but emotionaly i did. I cried, I screamed, I threw up... I mourned. I am still mourning. I know that God gave us that baby and took that baby for a reason. A reason we dont know why, but He needed that baby with Him rather than on earth.
I will still be mourning and greiving bc Oct 9, 2010 is a date that I will never forget. The day that I had all hope torn from my heart.
I know I have a new start, a fresh start.
And God is with me every step of the way.
So please... on this day... remember all those babies.
Wether, they have been embies, still born, early miscarriage (late miscarriage) or that passed away after birth... they were all babies. Remember those babies. Keep them in your heart today as you mourn the loss of those babies. They may or may not have been your babies, but most likely you know someone who has endured the heartache of a losing a child. So take time at 7pm and remember those babies....
I never thought that Id "celebrate" this day.
I never thought that Id be one of the ones mourning over the loss of a baby.
Yes, some of you still argue and say-an embryo isnt a baby-but yes, that was. that was OUR baby. God made that baby-and God needed that baby in Heaven more than on earth.
I never knew that baby....
that baby was never in my womb...
but still.... we loved that baby. That was our baby-our little Embie.
Its hard, very hard.
sure.. I didnt suffer the physical stuff of a pregnancy loss, but emotionaly i did. I cried, I screamed, I threw up... I mourned. I am still mourning. I know that God gave us that baby and took that baby for a reason. A reason we dont know why, but He needed that baby with Him rather than on earth.
I will still be mourning and greiving bc Oct 9, 2010 is a date that I will never forget. The day that I had all hope torn from my heart.
I know I have a new start, a fresh start.
And God is with me every step of the way.
So please... on this day... remember all those babies.
Wether, they have been embies, still born, early miscarriage (late miscarriage) or that passed away after birth... they were all babies. Remember those babies. Keep them in your heart today as you mourn the loss of those babies. They may or may not have been your babies, but most likely you know someone who has endured the heartache of a losing a child. So take time at 7pm and remember those babies....
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
New day.. new hope
Today is a new day... a start of a new hope.
Today is the first day of my period and the last day of my fear. God will bless us in His time. Not mine. I need to keep remembering that. I know that He knows the exact baby that I will either conceive or adopt. We will know in due time :)
For our plan, we decided that we wont be trying right now. We are on a break until spring. I know that each and every one of you are praying for mea nd i really appreciate it all so much!!! Please continue w/ the prayers as God knows we need them.
Today is the first day of my period and the last day of my fear. God will bless us in His time. Not mine. I need to keep remembering that. I know that He knows the exact baby that I will either conceive or adopt. We will know in due time :)
For our plan, we decided that we wont be trying right now. We are on a break until spring. I know that each and every one of you are praying for mea nd i really appreciate it all so much!!! Please continue w/ the prayers as God knows we need them.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Im heartbroken. Tomorrow would have been the best day of our lives. Tomorrow would have been the end to all things infertility and we would have finally got our miracle. Tomorrow, we would have seen our precious babies being put into their home for the next 9 months. Tomorrow, is now, just another Tuesday.
I couldnt go to work. I couldnt face the people I work with, and them know that Im another failure. I couldnt hear them say "its okay" when, really, its not. I couldnt face my babies bc its somthing I may never have-a child of my own.
All I can do is cry. I cry for the child I lost. I cry for the children I may never have. I cry for my heart that is broken. I cry because I know my husbands heart is breaking too.
Im mad. Im mad bc people get pregnant soo easy. Im mad bc people always get what they want, so why not get this. Im mad bc there is nothing I can do about this.
Im just breaking. Im longing for somthing that I cant have. That I long for. No, you cant understand this hurt, this pain, this longing... until you have been here. Until you have been in OUR shoes. You may be "trying" for a month or so, and yes, even then-its hard, but once youve gone a year, or 2 years, or heck-even 3. its hard. its very very hard.
oddly enough.
Im greatful. Sounds funny doesnt it? Here I am, crying, mad, sad, hurt, heartbroken.. and yet-im greatful.
what the heck you ask?? Yes, Im greatful.
Im greatful for my husband who has held me while I cried so hard I throw up or cant breathe. For the times he just sits there and crys along with me. Im thankful for my family who is by my side and gives me time to greive, bc they know me best. they know I need time. Im greatful for my friends/coworkers who are there to support me through all the hard times. who call/text to check on me, who ask me if i need anything (instead of just pretend that you care). Even if those friends are miles away, they still ask-they still care.
Im greatful for the love of Jesus-knowing that He is there no matter what and I know that He has a plan for our lives. Its hard to see it now, but somehow... someway.. one day.. we will get our baby/babies.
Infertility sucks, but im greatful.
Infertility has brought travis and i closer together as a couple, and closer to God. Its an awful awful road, that I wouldnt wish upon ANYONE, but (and some people might get mad) but I feel that everyone needs to have to work a little at it. It helps to you realise what you have and dont have. When you get that baby-finally-you will feel more accomplished, like you have worked at somthing for once.
Im sorry if ive "stepped on toes" but this is my blog and my emotions.
I appreciate all the prayers and thoughts, and kind words. I know that God has a GOOD and PERFECT plan for us. Im trying.
Im heartbroken. Tomorrow would have been the best day of our lives. Tomorrow would have been the end to all things infertility and we would have finally got our miracle. Tomorrow, we would have seen our precious babies being put into their home for the next 9 months. Tomorrow, is now, just another Tuesday.
I couldnt go to work. I couldnt face the people I work with, and them know that Im another failure. I couldnt hear them say "its okay" when, really, its not. I couldnt face my babies bc its somthing I may never have-a child of my own.
All I can do is cry. I cry for the child I lost. I cry for the children I may never have. I cry for my heart that is broken. I cry because I know my husbands heart is breaking too.
Im mad. Im mad bc people get pregnant soo easy. Im mad bc people always get what they want, so why not get this. Im mad bc there is nothing I can do about this.
Im just breaking. Im longing for somthing that I cant have. That I long for. No, you cant understand this hurt, this pain, this longing... until you have been here. Until you have been in OUR shoes. You may be "trying" for a month or so, and yes, even then-its hard, but once youve gone a year, or 2 years, or heck-even 3. its hard. its very very hard.
oddly enough.
Im greatful. Sounds funny doesnt it? Here I am, crying, mad, sad, hurt, heartbroken.. and yet-im greatful.
what the heck you ask?? Yes, Im greatful.
Im greatful for my husband who has held me while I cried so hard I throw up or cant breathe. For the times he just sits there and crys along with me. Im thankful for my family who is by my side and gives me time to greive, bc they know me best. they know I need time. Im greatful for my friends/coworkers who are there to support me through all the hard times. who call/text to check on me, who ask me if i need anything (instead of just pretend that you care). Even if those friends are miles away, they still ask-they still care.
Im greatful for the love of Jesus-knowing that He is there no matter what and I know that He has a plan for our lives. Its hard to see it now, but somehow... someway.. one day.. we will get our baby/babies.
Infertility sucks, but im greatful.
Infertility has brought travis and i closer together as a couple, and closer to God. Its an awful awful road, that I wouldnt wish upon ANYONE, but (and some people might get mad) but I feel that everyone needs to have to work a little at it. It helps to you realise what you have and dont have. When you get that baby-finally-you will feel more accomplished, like you have worked at somthing for once.
Im sorry if ive "stepped on toes" but this is my blog and my emotions.
I appreciate all the prayers and thoughts, and kind words. I know that God has a GOOD and PERFECT plan for us. Im trying.
Happily Ever Afters?
Tell me,
did Cinderella live happily ever after without a struggle?
Did Sleeping Beauty live happily ever after without a trauma?
Did Rapunzel live happily ever after without grief?
Did Hansel and Gretel live happily ever after without deprivation?
Did Jack and the beanstalk live happily ever after risk?
Did Thumbelina live happily ever after without sacrifice?
Are there any fairy tales without any dragons?
Where in the world, then, did we ever get the notion that to live happily ever after meants to live without trouble? For when we look at fairy tales we find its not the absence of dragons-but the taming of dragons-that ushers in happily ever after.
(Brenda Wilbee)
Yes, Life is NOT about Happily Ever After afer-all.
did Cinderella live happily ever after without a struggle?
Did Sleeping Beauty live happily ever after without a trauma?
Did Rapunzel live happily ever after without grief?
Did Hansel and Gretel live happily ever after without deprivation?
Did Jack and the beanstalk live happily ever after risk?
Did Thumbelina live happily ever after without sacrifice?
Are there any fairy tales without any dragons?
Where in the world, then, did we ever get the notion that to live happily ever after meants to live without trouble? For when we look at fairy tales we find its not the absence of dragons-but the taming of dragons-that ushers in happily ever after.
(Brenda Wilbee)
Yes, Life is NOT about Happily Ever After afer-all.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Dear Babies...
Dear Babies,
Today-Oct 9, 2010-is one of the saddest/hardest days of our lives. Today you went home to be with Jesus. We know that there is a reason that God wanted you in Heaven instead of on earth with us. You are so precious to us and will always hold a special place in our hearts. We know that it was nothing that we did, or that you did, but it just wasnt time for you to meet us or us meet you. God has a great plan for you guys. It was to teach us a lesson, that things dont always go as WE have planned. We were looking forward to the day that we would hold you, kiss you and hug all over you. We already had the day that we would love you. Please know that you are greatly missed and that we will see you one day-in Heaven.
Love Always,
your mommy and daddy.
Today-Oct 9, 2010-is one of the saddest/hardest days of our lives. Today you went home to be with Jesus. We know that there is a reason that God wanted you in Heaven instead of on earth with us. You are so precious to us and will always hold a special place in our hearts. We know that it was nothing that we did, or that you did, but it just wasnt time for you to meet us or us meet you. God has a great plan for you guys. It was to teach us a lesson, that things dont always go as WE have planned. We were looking forward to the day that we would hold you, kiss you and hug all over you. We already had the day that we would love you. Please know that you are greatly missed and that we will see you one day-in Heaven.
Love Always,
your mommy and daddy.
Friday, October 8, 2010
3 babies!!!! :-)
Hello :)
As of right now we have 3 babies (embryos, to me though-they are babies-other people may think diff) YAY!!! No one has called yet to tell us otherwise. The embriologist told dh that she'd call and let us know if anything goes wrong and she'd go by in the morn and check on the babies and call me tomorrow with how they are doing. I am assuming if the eggs didnt thaw then she would have called bc that was at 12:00 and now its 5:15. LOL. Im soooo excited!!!! I just KNOW that this IS it! this is the month!!! I have such a positive attitude (w/ a hint of negativity every once in a while-but then Trav "slaps" me back-haha). I just feel it in my heart that our babies will come home soon!!!!! I can not stop smiling or being giddy. LOL. I feel like a child. I just know that GOd wouldnt get us this far for no reason. Im just beyond thrilled!!!
Here is a pic of our babies home for the next 5 days:

Alot of people dont know what ICSI is. ICSI is when the embryologist directly inserts one sperm into each egg. Here is a pic :) We have to do this bc the outer shell of the eggs are tougher bc of the freezing they went through.

I know im mushy but I wanted to thank you all for praying for me and for being there for me.
I will keep ya'll updated. Tomorrow is my day of cleaning and praying and hoping!!! I hope she calls me early! HAHA.
As of right now we have 3 babies (embryos, to me though-they are babies-other people may think diff) YAY!!! No one has called yet to tell us otherwise. The embriologist told dh that she'd call and let us know if anything goes wrong and she'd go by in the morn and check on the babies and call me tomorrow with how they are doing. I am assuming if the eggs didnt thaw then she would have called bc that was at 12:00 and now its 5:15. LOL. Im soooo excited!!!! I just KNOW that this IS it! this is the month!!! I have such a positive attitude (w/ a hint of negativity every once in a while-but then Trav "slaps" me back-haha). I just feel it in my heart that our babies will come home soon!!!!! I can not stop smiling or being giddy. LOL. I feel like a child. I just know that GOd wouldnt get us this far for no reason. Im just beyond thrilled!!!
Here is a pic of our babies home for the next 5 days:

Alot of people dont know what ICSI is. ICSI is when the embryologist directly inserts one sperm into each egg. Here is a pic :) We have to do this bc the outer shell of the eggs are tougher bc of the freezing they went through.

I know im mushy but I wanted to thank you all for praying for me and for being there for me.
I will keep ya'll updated. Tomorrow is my day of cleaning and praying and hoping!!! I hope she calls me early! HAHA.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Coming Soon...
everything looked GREAT! they will thaw all 3 eggies today/tonight. We go back tomorrow at 12 to drop off dh's sperm (Well, he has to do it there-poor man-lol) and then they will do ICSI to all of them. They will do a 5 days transfer (as part of the study im in) and then they will transfer 2. The 3rd one they will freeze!!! Im soooo super excited and starting to get very nervous!! I know that this is it!! All I need is one :) Im praying very very hard for my embabies-to-be lol.
Babies: get ready... youre coming to mommy and daddy REALLY soon!!!!!
everything looked GREAT! they will thaw all 3 eggies today/tonight. We go back tomorrow at 12 to drop off dh's sperm (Well, he has to do it there-poor man-lol) and then they will do ICSI to all of them. They will do a 5 days transfer (as part of the study im in) and then they will transfer 2. The 3rd one they will freeze!!! Im soooo super excited and starting to get very nervous!! I know that this is it!! All I need is one :) Im praying very very hard for my embabies-to-be lol.
Babies: get ready... youre coming to mommy and daddy REALLY soon!!!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
From Your Baby:
(My good friend Michelle found this poem and sent it to me, and yes, I cried) Its soooooo true!!! I can not wait until the day we find out all our dreams are coming true!!
With every tear that falls, there is a lost heart that calls.
it calls to say I'm here, don't dispair, I will come to you
when the time is right, when you least expect me and through
...the quiet night open your heart to me, accept me, I will be there
in the end.
Your wait may be long, you may get frustrated by the whole
ordeal. In the end I will be real. While others around you are
succeeding your heart goes on bleeding.
I would thank you for being patient, I would thank you for
being the kind of person who shows persistance. If it were not
for this, I may never get the chance to have an existence.
In the chaos of your day, the calm of your night, let your heart
soar and take flight.
For so many tears, for so many years. You have been trying,
thinking of giving up but never doing it. In the end you just keep
on going in the hopes that I will come to you, the one who deserves
me, the one who can love me as no other can. You will be that
mother that you always wanted to be. Just you keep waiting for me.
With every tear that falls, there is a lost heart that calls.
it calls to say I'm here, don't dispair, I will come to you
when the time is right, when you least expect me and through
...the quiet night open your heart to me, accept me, I will be there
in the end.
Your wait may be long, you may get frustrated by the whole
ordeal. In the end I will be real. While others around you are
succeeding your heart goes on bleeding.
I would thank you for being patient, I would thank you for
being the kind of person who shows persistance. If it were not
for this, I may never get the chance to have an existence.
In the chaos of your day, the calm of your night, let your heart
soar and take flight.
For so many tears, for so many years. You have been trying,
thinking of giving up but never doing it. In the end you just keep
on going in the hopes that I will come to you, the one who deserves
me, the one who can love me as no other can. You will be that
mother that you always wanted to be. Just you keep waiting for me.
Monday, October 4, 2010
I can hardly contain myself. Im sooo excited!!!
Let me start off by saying, no, Im not pregnant-YET!!!!
I have my appt on Thur and it cant come soon enough!!! They will thaw my eggies on Thur if everything looks good (and it WILL) do ICSI (add trav's sperm to the eggs by injection to be sure fertilizaion occured) and then the babies will grow 3-5 days and be put back home-where they belong!!! I am sooo excited to be doing this. I KNOW in my heart, soul and mind that this IS it. This IS the time! Im soo dang excited for this blessing that will soon be :) YAY!!!!
My babies-you will be coming home to us soon (your mommmy and daddy!!) we can NOT wait!!!
pray pray pray people :)
I can hardly contain myself. Im sooo excited!!!
Let me start off by saying, no, Im not pregnant-YET!!!!
I have my appt on Thur and it cant come soon enough!!! They will thaw my eggies on Thur if everything looks good (and it WILL) do ICSI (add trav's sperm to the eggs by injection to be sure fertilizaion occured) and then the babies will grow 3-5 days and be put back home-where they belong!!! I am sooo excited to be doing this. I KNOW in my heart, soul and mind that this IS it. This IS the time! Im soo dang excited for this blessing that will soon be :) YAY!!!!
My babies-you will be coming home to us soon (your mommmy and daddy!!) we can NOT wait!!!
pray pray pray people :)
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