Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Bible and infertility

Yes, even way back then, there was women w/ infertility...

Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Hannah, Elizabeth
Just to name a few...

There are many stories of women in the Bible who struggle with infertility and the pain of not having children.

The Bible not only shares the stories of these "barren women" but also offers hope and comfort during these times.

God indeed is the creator of life and the God of comfort and peace.

I will share some of their stories from the Bible and other verses that offer hope to those who may also consider themselves "barren" today.

But more important than finding out about the stories of these women is the possibility of finding our own hope in this journey; to be encouraged in whatever stage of our journeys we are at.

Check out the next couple of posts about each woman in the Bible....

(no, i didnt write all those-lol. i found all this info online)

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