Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It Came To Pass...

Weeping may last for the night,
But a shout of joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven--

A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.

Ecclesiastes 1:1, 4

452. That’s how many times the phrase “it came to pass” shows up in the King James version of the Bible! No wonder I’ve heard so many preachers expound on these Scriptures! There are so many of them! I’ve even heard a Christian comedian build an entire set around this one popular Biblical phrase--“it came to pass”!

Do you realize there is great comfort for you in this phrase--“it came to pass”? Today, it probably seems as if your life will consist of nothing more than infertility. You probably believe that for the next 60 years you will know your basal body temperature and exactly how many days has passed since the beginning of your last menstrual cycle began! The desire for a child consumes your every waking thought and most of your slumber, and it is almost unimaginable to consider a day when you can face a day without the sting of baby hunger hurting your heart. “It came to pass...”

Infertility is a season in your life. This difficult, hurtful time will not last forever. It has come into your life, and it will pass into your history. God has allowed it to come into your life for a purpose and eventually it will be a part of the story of your life. It will be part of what has made you into the amazing woman or man you are, but believe it or not, it will eventually be a part of your history, not a part of your everyday existence! It’s so hard to see the end of infertility’s story when you are waiting for the results of a blood test or trying your best to decide what step to take next.

If infertility has brought you frustration and tears, remember that it is a season in your life. Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.

If God has appointed this time in your life to be the season for you to face infertility and the purpose He has for its role in your life, then realize that He also has an appointed time for joy in your life. There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.

How will infertility’s story end? We all dream of the perfect ending of pink and blue bundles of joy at the end of our weeping! We at Sarah’s Laughter pray for babies for you! We ask God to give you the children you so desire and that when you conceive that you are blessed with perfect pregnancies with no miscarriages and no problems in your pregnancies. We ask that He grant you peace in pregnancies and that you can enjoy the full 40 weeks and not be fearful of loss. We ask that He make you godly parents who will raise your children as mighty men and women of God who will make a difference in the kingdom of Heaven.

Even if God chooses to take your story in another direction, whether it is the miraculous completion of your family through adoption or the blessed peace God grants to the couple who trusts Him when there are no children, God will bring you through your experience with infertility. It will not always be as hard as it is today. It came to pass... It has come into your life, but it will pass. God can use infertility in ways you never dreamed possible to reach you and teach you and show you amazing things about Himself. But it has come to pass. This may be your time for weeping, but your time for laughing is coming. You may have had a time for mourning, but you will dance again!

It came to pass!

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