Monday, March 23, 2009

My blood work update...

So today i went in for bloodwork, at 8:30am. (Travis & I stayed the night in a horrible horrible hotel) and they drew it and we came back home. Since ive had the flu, i stayed at home from work so i could get better.. bleh.

Anyways, the nurse called and said my progesterone levels were excellent! they were 28.6 and the nurse said anything over 15 was ovulating!! YAY. my levels have never ever been this high (even w/ the trigger shot) so im very excited about that!!!

OKAY-from here on out though NO MORE BABY UPDATES!! If we get pregnant we want to keep that a surprise at least until i have a dr apointment. I will TRY to keep it under wraps until then :) lol. So.. no more dr talk or anything-this is a new blog... haha.

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