Sunday, February 1, 2009


Guys.. i wanted to share somthing with you. let me find it-lol.

I read this in my devotion book-the title of the chapter is called when the answer is no.
what does God say we should do when He answers with "No"?

When heartbreak sends us reeling, does the Bible offer any instruction? The Bible tells us to praise Him. We may not feel thankful for our situation, but we can express our thanks for what God can do through it. God has no troublel working miralces in unexpected ways and at unlikely moments.

Just as we know God exists, even when all the evidence of our lives seems to point the other way, so we know God can grant us a child even when all the evidence runs contrary to that possibility. God loves to give us incredible glimpses into His nature when the line breaks between what we want and what He has chosen to provide.
Second, the Bible instructs us to pour out our hearts to God, telling Him everything, even our shameful thoughts of discouragment and doubt. Isaiah 30:26 promises that "the Lord binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wound he inflicted"

Finally, we are called once more to wait. God promises us that we will not mourn forever. Every greif has its season, and it will pass as surely as snow melts into spring. Of course, God may also allow us to weep for a night, a time so blackened with tears, envy, rage, and disappointment that we feel almost engulfed. But God promises that a moring of rejoycing lies ahead, a sweet dawn of unexpectedly tender mercies and blessed deliverance.

Prayer: Lord, when your answer is no, it crushes us. We often plunge into a night of bitter grief and tears. but you have more planned for us just ahead, a bright morning of rejoicing. When we see nothing to rejoice over, remind us that we have no yet reached the end of our journey, even if your answer today is no. You are leading us into a new place, a place we could never have imagined before we began our pursuit of parenthood. Help us to trust you, to want to be where you lead! help us to trust you with the bitter disaapointments and the lonely silences, and help us to believe you will yet give us a reason to rejoice.

sorry that was so long. i didnt realise it though-oops. i hope that it gives ya'll some insight. I love this book. its called moments for couples who long for children :) its good.

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