Tuesday, August 11, 2009


here is my daily devotional for today :) I thought it was wonderful!!!

22...And He said to His disciples, "For this reason I say to you, do not worry about your life, as to what you will eat; nor for your body, as to what you will put on.
23 "For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.
24 "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!
25 "And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life's span?
26 "If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about other matters?
27 "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.
28 "But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you? You men of little faith!
29 "And do not seek what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not keep worrying.
30 "For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but your Father knows that you need these things.
31 "But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.
32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.

Luke 12:22-32

Are you a worrier? Do you worry what people think about you? Do you worry that you worry too much? Do you worry that you don’t worry enough? Worry can be a heavy burden to carry on your journey through infertility.
As infertile couples, there are many issues that we face that other people don’t even consider. For example, the dreaded baby shower! Other people get an invitation to a baby shower and the only complaint they have is that they don’t have time to run to the store to pick up a gift! The woman who struggles with infertility knows what’s inside the envelope as soon as she sees it in the mailbox. It weighs at least 1,000 pounds as she carries it inside! She has to sit down and cry for a few minutes before she garners enough strength to open it up and read it. What makes it worse is that the shower is for her sister! She forces herself to read the “happy” news, and writes the date and time down on her calendar, right next to the reminder that she has another appointment for blood work on the same day. As she wipes her eyes and blows her nose, she wonders how she’ll make it through another baby shower. Oh, she’ll go! It’ll kill her, but she’ll go! Why? She worries what people would think if she didn’t go to her little sister’s baby shower. She worries that her mom would get angry or that her sister would get her feelings hurt if she didn’t go. She worries that her family would think she didn’t love her new niece if she stays away. She worries that she’ll be viewed as selfish if she forces herself to go, but cries the whole time. She just worries.
She worries about her future too. She worries about where the money will come from for her next round of treatment. She worries that the medicine won’t work as well this time. She worries that the strain is going to be too much on her marriage. She worries that if she is never able to conceive, that she and her husband won’t be able to agree on whether or not to adopt. She worries that if they can’t agree on adoption, that they will never have children. She worries that she will die alone. She just worries.
Do you realize that the very same God who said to you “Do not kill,” and “Do not steal,” also says to you “Do not worry”? He says not to worry because not only does worry weigh you down and make you fearful, worry does nothing to help the situation! And which of you by worrying can add a sing hour to his life’s span? How beautiful it is for God to tell you not to worry! He can do this because He is the One who can make right all the wrongs in your life! He has all power and authority in Heaven and in earth and He tells you not to worry! He even hold authority over infertility, and He tells you not to worry! Fertility-challenged sister, do not worry!
In Luke 12, some men approached Jesus and were asking Him to settle a dispute among family members regarding an inheritance. They were worried about their financial future! Along with teaching them that their worth didn’t lie in the possessions they owned, Jesus assured them that for a child under His keeping, worry had no place.
Wouldn’t you have loved to have been there? I’ll bet a raven flew overhead and Jesus must have pointed skyward and said “Look at those ravens, fellas. They’re not worried about what they’ll eat today! God feeds them. Don’t you know you’re worth so much more!” Maybe there were lilies growing wild in the fields where He was teaching that day when He said to His listeners “Hey guys! You’ve heard about Solomon. Even his finest robes couldn’t compare to these lilies. Wanna know why? Because God clothes them. He’ll take care of you too.”
He says the same to you today. “Don’t worry, daughter. I know the desires of your heart. You feel all alone in this struggle, but I’m right there with you. I’ll take care of you through it all.” You simply don’t have to worry. Whatever God’s plan is for you, He tells you not to worry because He is fully capable of taking care of you throughout the entirety of His plan. From start to finish, you are under His care, so you can find rest.
Does that mean every thing will be easy sailing? Not necessarily. But we know that God has known every day of your life from beginning to end (Psalm 139:16), and He is fully capable of seeing you through good days and bad, happy times and sad. No matter what you face, whether it is pregnancy, miscarriage, adoption, joy, sorrow, or any combination thereof, God is able to see you through. And because He is able to see you through, He says to you, don’t worry.

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