Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sometimes I wonder.....

I just wonder how some people are blessed with children and some are not. I know that its God's time but some people.... over others (not necessarily talking about myself here) I guess its just somthing I will never know though. anyways... that's my mini vent..

I have 2 more weeks left of bc pills!!! YAY. Its about time. I hate them and never ever want to see them again! They make me so sick. After I end them, I should get my period soon after and then start on Follistim-150iu per day. Im sooo excited and sooo ready to get on with this cycle. This just has to work!! Im praying sooo hard for God's will!!! If not this month, then idk what we'll do next. We'll see.

I thought Id update this blog... Night

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I often question why God gives children to those who do not want them, those who cannot take care of them. While we, so ready, willing to move mountains just to have a child are denied, month after month after month. Lately I have been feeling very down about this myself. Starting to become bitter, I have NEVER felt that way, but 3 yrs is a little long to wish for a baby, while I watch everyone I know having Oops after Oops after Oops. Keep the faith, I know it is hard, it's hard for me, but I keep trying and holding on to believing God knows what he is doing, without him I don't think I would have made it through this all.

    I know you will have a take home baby. But I am not going to say the typical "When the time is right" crap, cause the time is RIGHT right now...praying for you guys!
