Sunday, December 12, 2010

My 2010....

2010 was a long and hard and trying year for us. It was also a great year of new and exciting things.

Lets see:

Jan: The start of 2010. IUI #3-failed

Feb: Femara stopped working... a break cycle.

March: Started on injections.
Went to Acquire the Fire
Applied for a new job

April went to my first Skillet concert :)
IUI #4 (back to back)-failed
Travis turned 26 (on Easter Sun)

May: First time EVER on birth control pills... hated them!

June: Turned 26
Celebrated 4 years marriage to Travis :)
MORE shots.

July: Femara again-failed
Went to Pigeon Forge and stayed in a cabin for the first time.
Started thinking more and more about adoption
Started a garden

Aug: Injections-again.
First ever egg aspiration.
First time on any type of relaxation med-lol.
IUI #6-failed
Froze 3 eggs for future use.

Sept: Realized we had spent $10,000 in fert treatments *sigh*
Started on progesterone shots
started on estrogen patches, 2 diff kinds.
learned i had slow flowing blood
Never had I ever wanted to punch someone so much when I learned my cycle was messed up

Oct: hardest month of my life
NEVER did I think id experience such heartache, such pain, and such sadness
Thawed out my 3 eggs, and only 1 made it.
Lost my 1 embryo-my baby-on Oct 9, 2010.
Learned what it was like to have my heart ripped out and stomped on.
Learned to draw near to Travis and God.
Learned that Im strong enough and can move on... as hard as it may be.
National Pregnancy and Infant loss day-oct 15-never thought id "participate"
made a huge choice leaving mt Jefferson Baptist, but God needed us elsewhere
Learned who my TRUE friends are.

Nov: Thanksgiving
Provera month
Went to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg w/ friends from work.
Went to Dixie Stampede
Acid reflux started-lol

Dec: Went to Nashville
Tennessee Titans game
Country Music Hall of Fame
First big snow
3 and 1/2 years of trying for our miracle... hoping we get a Christmas one.

So that's 2010 in a nutshell.. maybe 2011 will be more interesting?? We shall see. That one is up to God ;-)