This is the TINY needle that has been causing so much bruising :(
150 iu per night
This is what my med vial looks like
This is the whole pen
and last, but not least... my bruises. with injections you should switch sides of the body which you inject-so that's why ive got bruises on both sides. eick! please excuse my fat belly, hairy belly (Darn pcos) and my big thighs-HAHAHA.
I remember the very first time I tried/had to give myself the follistim....I cried like a baby and was shaking like I was trying to stick a knife in my gut. My dh was saying, "you've got to do it now!" I'm a nurse and can give injections like a champ, but I'd never stuck myself...I ended up calling my neighbor to do it for me that first time. After that, realizing that I didn't even feel it, I was able to do it myself(the needle is hair-thin,lol). I bruised like that too, but I thought it was from the heparin shots & baby aspirin I was taking as well. Sounds like you are responding like a champ! Here's to a very successful round!!