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Wouldnt you LOVE to have a magic wand??
Boy, I know I would!!!
But wait a min, what would you do with your magic wand?? Would you wish for money, happiness, peace..... or a family?
Would you wish for a child, children...??
Wouldnt it be amazing if, with life, we received a magic wand??
Yes, that would be amazing, but I am not too sure what we will do with ours. *Sigh*
I long for the day that I become a mother, and he becomes a father.
Sure, Id LOVE to get pregnant.. and to experience the morning sickness, to be able to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes, to grow, to expand, to feel kicks and then fianlly to deliver and feel the unconditional love for my baby-our baby. I dont know why... but its different now.
I know now that I may never feel all that.
And Im okay...
I know that God has our baby out there. Our baby may be born now, or maybe in a couple of years. We never know. Our baby WILL be brought to us when HIS time is right. That may be right now, or it might be in a couple of years. We dont know. We pray so hard that God will bless us soon-in His time though-but soon. We know that miracles happen.. and man, if we were to conceive w/ out medical interventions, that'd be a true true miracle!
God is good... so we keep praying...
we pray for our baby, ourselves, our families who long and love our child who is yet to grace us :)
So... i guess if we had a magic wand.... we would just wait.
Just wait and use it when the time is right ;-)
Keep praying!!!
If I had a magic wand... I couldn't wait! Ha ha... I would be one that would blow my wish immediately! ;)