Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New day.. new hope

Today is a new day... a start of a new hope.

Today is the first day of my period and the last day of my fear. God will bless us in His time. Not mine. I need to keep remembering that. I know that He knows the exact baby that I will either conceive or adopt. We will know in due time :)

For our plan, we decided that we wont be trying right now. We are on a break until spring. I know that each and every one of you are praying for mea nd i really appreciate it all so much!!! Please continue w/ the prayers as God knows we need them.


  1. Crys & Trav Well, I tell you that: All you have placed before the Lord in His grace He will give them, You bet! no more missionary Janne kisses!
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