Monday, October 4, 2010



I can hardly contain myself. Im sooo excited!!!

Let me start off by saying, no, Im not pregnant-YET!!!!

I have my appt on Thur and it cant come soon enough!!! They will thaw my eggies on Thur if everything looks good (and it WILL) do ICSI (add trav's sperm to the eggs by injection to be sure fertilizaion occured) and then the babies will grow 3-5 days and be put back home-where they belong!!! I am sooo excited to be doing this. I KNOW in my heart, soul and mind that this IS it. This IS the time! Im soo dang excited for this blessing that will soon be :) YAY!!!!

My babies-you will be coming home to us soon (your mommmy and daddy!!) we can NOT wait!!!

pray pray pray people :)

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