Sunday, October 17, 2010

New plans... new hope.. new future??

Sooo.....many of you are probably wondering what will happen now.

Well... to answer you:

We dont know.

We are taking a break. We are done. Im done w/ the meds, the drs, the ultrasounds, the bloodwork, the shots, the timed bding, the stress, the worry, the heartache. Im just done w/ it.

Who knows how long this break is going to last, but for now. Im done.

Yes, I will still blog-as things come up. But it might not be so much about ttc.

Yes, we are still going to try-but not try. Make sense? Lol.

We will just pray and pray some more.

We have decided we would like to take the foster care classes in the spring and persue adoption as we save up money (possibly start in the spring/summer) God knows the plans for our lives, so my "plan" might not be His plan. We'll see.

So for now.. yes, im done.

1 comment:

  1. I do feel your pain and I will pray for you and your husband.
