Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 24, 2006

If your confused on the title... that's what this post is about.

That day-4 years ago-was our wedding day :)

I married my best friend 4 years ago (Im a couple days late in writting this) We have been through alot in 4 years. The hardest thing we have had to go through as a couple is infertility. Its the hardest, yet best thing that we could go through. It has brought us closer to eachother, to God and to our families. We have learned better communication with ourselves, eachother, and God. Its a very difficult thing and I pray that no one has to endure that. Other than that.. we have been through alot... good and bad, sickness and health...

* Went to OuterBanks (our honeymoon)
* Funeral for his grandfather
* First Christmas together.
* My first "illness" as a married couple, the stomach bug..
* Bought a new car(2 actually)
* Moved in together, this was big for me, since I came from my parents house
* Bought a house
* Got a cat-our baby
* Had heartache
* Went to Pigeon Forge
* Went to Myrtle Beach
* Went to Nashville to a Titans game
* Learned eachothers faults-lol. (we both have alot)

I know there is more, and I could go on forever. I know God has blessed me w/ such a Godly man who is going to be a great father :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary to you and Travis!! Here's to all the great years so far, and the many more to come!
