Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Like I said in the previous post, Travis and I have thought alot about adoption if I dont get pregnant by Dec. I have done minimal research on the topic. I have looked at a few websites for adoption. I havent really decided if international is the way or domestic. Fears for both. :-/ Still, like Ive said-this is all in the thought process right now-lol.

That being said, those of you who read this blog who have adopted, or know anyone who has, if you have any suggestions of agencies (just research right now-just to look at costs and cost schedules and to get things lined up-if you dont know, Im a very organized person-haha) If you also know of any attorney's that service in NC, let me know that as well :) Thanks.

On the ttc (trying to conceive) front, I ovulated and now Im waiting. The dreaded 2ww (two-week-wait) is horrible. LOL..

Other than that, nothing is really going on.


  1. Ok..I'm not going to be of much help here but I did tell you that my husband and I adopted two children so I feel as if I should explain a little on how we got them. The biological parents (from another state) actually dropped them off with some family/friend's (who they knew from past relationships) of ours a couple of years ago and just plainly said they didnt want them. (I know, it makes me sick to my stomach to even think about it). But after that, the family/friend's of ours were an older couple and couldnt really take care of them. They knew that my husband and I had been TTC for a couple of years and so they gave us a call and ask us to first take the youngest one to which we replied of course. Immediately we started going to our Lawyer and to DSS and started a Foster care for this child and an Adoption process. We later took in the older sister too and started the adoption process for her. Eventually, when the biological parents found out we were adopting them, they came back to this state and started fighting us for them in court. Long story short...the judge found out what type of parents they were and what they had done and granted all rights to us. Trust me, it was a long battle. But well worth it. So needless to say, we didnt really technically pay for an adoption, but we did have to pay for all attorney fees and things like that. And we also had to fight for these children for two yrs in court. So, some people may say we got out the easy way, but I beg to differ. As for you, I would talk to your DR. and tell him/her your considering adopting. I have a cousin who went thru her Dr. to get her adopted child. He was an obgyn and had a patient who was pregnant and was going to give it up for adoption. So he told her, instead of going thru an adoption agency, that he had a patient who couldnt have kids and had been TTC for over 10 yrs. She fit the profile....and...you get where it went from there. I know I'm not much help, and I'm sorry for that. But I'm praying for you and I pray you find your answers.

  2. Thank you Amanda! You were much help, and I appreciate that. You have been through alot, and def didnt have it easy (some people just dont know-lol) I have heard of people adopting that way :) Travis and I will probably start foster care classes in Sept, so we might just go from there. Do you know people who have adopted that could offer some more info? If so, Id love to "hear" from them. Thanks so much!
